
Bactrax.Org.Uk is a repository and streaming facility for Keyboard Players that wish to share their music with others.

You can upload, store and stream mp3 files, M4A Files and YouTube Videos via .ytv files.

There are no limits to the number of mp3 files, M4A Files and .ytv files up to 16mb each.

You can also store jpg, gif, png, jpeg, jfif image files at up to 6mb eachand pdf files up to 16mb each.

Short term storage of zip files is also available up to 30mb

The system is preconfigured with a working design so that you can deal with all of the above or you can create your own design and have a separate design for every different file type or even every song. is sponsored by which is a forum that specialises in keyboard music.
All members are allocated a free membership during the life of their membership.
Share your music with just friends, Just members, other forums  or the entire world.
The membership of is completely free and there is no form of commercial activity at all by the forum or by

To Join Click Here.